
The Real Ron Miscavige
A Primer

The old saying, “out with the old, in with the new,” applies to Ron Miscavige and his very old, tired lies he says again and again… and again.

Ron specializes in pretending to be a victim of circumstances, when the facts are anything but—he is the harasser and aggressor, not the victim. Ron likes to tell false Dickensian tales of his life and paint a story far from the truth. Ron Miscavige forgets to tell people about his brushes with the law—an arrest for attempted rape for which he owes a debt to his younger son. Ron’s younger son hired the best attorneys to help Ron with that arrest and made Ron join the religious order to begin to lead an ethical existence, which he in fact did—Ron lived the next 26 years with only one additional arrest.

Police Report for Ronald Miscavige’s Attempted Rape Arrest

Of course, Ron lies when he claims he “escaped” the religious order. After all, he drove the car his younger son and his sisters gifted him to a new life enabled by his younger son’s gift of $100,000 to buy a home. Additionally his younger son paid his father’s medical insurance premiums annually. What kind of a father betrays a son who helped support him throughout his life by falsely portraying his son and all he works to do to help mankind? Ron Miscavige is that kind of father.

Ron claims that his daughters stopped speaking with him, falsely blaming religion. The truth is Ron’s daughters disowned Ron because he went to live with their older brother Ronnie, who sexually abused them as children, ignoring their explicit pleas not to move in with him. Ronnie was arrested for committing a sex crime within 2 weeks of the daughters telling Ron in no uncertain terms not to move in with Ronnie. The story is a long one, but suffice it to say Ronnie solicited prostitutes—on at least one occasion a pair for “everything” and was caught in an FBI sting. Ron covered it up like he does with anything that doesn’t match the lies he tells for attention. But the documents speak for themselves:

Ronnie Miscavige
Police Reports of Ronnie Miscavige’s Solicitation of Prostitution Arrest

Perhaps the one true thing Ron has said is that his two sons couldn’t be more different. This is very true. It is exemplified by the fact that the very day Ronnie was arrested for his sex crime—with Ron by his side—Ron’s younger son, David Miscavige, was some 6,000 miles away, opening a Church in Israel, the Holy Land, working to assist in bringing peace to this region. That Ron chooses to support the convicted criminal, who treats women as chattel, shows he has no morals.

These two pictures reflect both a few hours and thousands of miles apart for two brothers on the very same day.

Ron’s self-made description of this time period is that “life was good,” which means Ron considers it good that Ronnie’s wife, Bitty, left him; life was good because Ronnie was enjoying massage parlors throughout the region that offer illicit services even after his arrest. That’s good? Only Ron Miscavige would say that.

Crystal Palace Massage in Virginia Beach, purveyor of “happy endings”

Ron Miscavige never told his daughters that their older brother and abuser was arrested for a sex crime. Nor did he tell his daughters that he was befriending the very people who not only were attacking the Church but who were behind frivolous litigation against one of his daughters and her husband. The lawsuit was ultimately thrown out as meritless, but not before Ron helped those attacking his family.

Ron Miscavige now thinks attacking his family is his right. He seems to forget that his daughters put out statement sent by their attorney which said, “How dare anyone accuse us of acting inappropriately. We don’t need anyone to tell us what to do or how to act. We know what is right and moral, and what is evil. Evil is Ronald T. Miscavige. We reject him.”

Ron Miscavige doesn’t care about family. He only cares about money. And Ron never has an original thought. What he says are either provable lies or straight out myths. Ron joined up with losers who want to make a buck off their former Church—which is Ron’s goal too—and so he regurgitates every lie found on the grassy knolls of cyberspace. It’s all pure fiction designed to make a quick buck.

The real story is Ron’s life was not well lived. He pretends he was the patriarch in an Ozzie & Harriet fantasyland. The reality is that Ron excuses his namesake son because he has similar transgressions of his own. Ron brutally and repeatedly beat his wife and daughters. As with most men who inflict domestic violence, he seeks to blame the victim. He was caught out on national TV admitting to beating his wife “only” once a month for 10 years—120 times!!! That puts Ron in a league of his own.

Ronald R.M. Miscavige mug shot
Public record documents reciting details of the arrest of Ron (Ronnie) Miscavige show one of the women he was seeing had been the victim of a
human trafficking investigation, strung out on heroin. Her image was stored in Ronnie’s cell phone. This is the same cell phone number advertised
to reach Ronnie as a Manager at Long & Foster Realty in Williamsburg, Virginia.
Court disposition: guilty.
Ron's warrant of arrest for solicitation of prostitution.
Ron Miscavige paid $5,000 bail.
Ron was fingerprinted.
Witness subpoena.
Command to summon Ron Miscavige.
Ron Miscavige’s rap sheet.