
Five things Wifebeater Ron Miscavige and Former Call Girl Karen de la Carriere Have in Common

What do Ron Miscavige, a horrific wife beater exposed as a liar when he published a false memoir about his son, and Karen de la Carriere, who once worked as some sort of a call girl and who a Los Angeles Superior Court judge more recently found had no credibility, have in common?

Karen de la Carriere, Ron Miscavige Sr.

Here are some of the things the two obsessed zealots have in common:

Zero credibility

Ron writes hearsay from individuals who have a record of lying to describe his son’s leadership in the Church while he spreads falsehoods about his son to garner profit and attention for himself.

No matter that he had no firsthand knowledge of his son’s ascent within the Church, because he wasn’t around. Instead, he was thousands of miles away selling pots and pans and getting arrested for attempted rape. Or that his entire time working for the Church after his son saved him from jail and brought him into the religious order to get his life under control, consisted of playing third trumpet in a band. And the claims he scraped off the Internet have been thoroughly debunked, including in courts.

Ron outright lied about his time in the Church’s religious order. According to his former co-workers, Ron was a slacker who had a great life as a musician in a band with a son who generously gave him gifts and five-star quality birthday dinners. Ron made up a tale about an “escape,” leaving out that he was free to come and go in the car his youngest son and two daughters gifted him.

De la Carriere’s credibility was eviscerated by a Los Angeles Superior Court Judge, who in a decision in a civil court case unrelated to the Church stated that she gave testimony that was “false, conflicting, exaggerated and evasive,” that her evidence was “not credible,” that her testimony “is not credible” and that “the Court has so little confidence in what Carriere said.”

De la Carriere’s credibility was eviscerated by a Los Angeles Superior Court Judge, who in a decision in a civil court case unrelated to the Church stated that she gave testimony that was “false, conflicting, exaggerated and evasive,” that her evidence was “not credible,” that her testimony “is not credible” and that “the Court has so little confidence in what Carriere said.”

They both blame others for family relationships they destroyed.

Ron Miscavige’s daughters pleaded with him not to go live with their oldest brother Ronnie, who had sexually assaulted them when they were all of 8 and 11 years old. Ron didn’t care. On top of that, he tried to extort his family, especially his younger son, who generously gave him $100,000 so he could purchase the home he lives in today. It was Ron who refused to speak with his son when his son asked to speak to him. So now he blames anyone but himself for the breakup of his family that Ron and Ron alone caused.

If that weren’t enough, Ron lied about his family with his false memoir packed with provable lies to make money. What father would lie and exploit his own son and daughters for money?

Ron Miscavige’s son David generously gave his father more than $100,000 of his personal funds to buy the home he lives in today.
If that weren’t enough, Ron lied about his family with his false memoir packed with provable lies to make money. What father would lie and exploit his own son and daughters for money?

De la Carriere disowned her son. Her daughter-in-law witnessed it all, with de la Carriere screaming that “he was not her son. She said ‘I disown you. You’re disinherited. You are not my son. Don’t call me again. Don’t ever contact me again.’ And then she hung up on him.”

One of de la Carriere’s former husbands, Jim Barta, had also witnessed these violent rages against her son: “She would go into these incredible rages, just severe violent rages and she would take it out on him. … I’d seen her do this on several occasions.”

“She would go into these incredible rages, just severe violent rages and she would take it out on him.”

De la Carriere by her own choice had been estranged from her son for years, and yet exploited him to get publicity.

Both have sordid pasts they like to cover up.

De la Carriere worked as a casino croupier at a gentleman’s club and as a call girl, admitting later in a self-written life history that during that time she had one-night stands with as many as 50 men.

Karen de la Carriere prostitution emails 
Sample of the “Snow Suzy” emails
Karen de la Carriere prostitution emails 
Some of the “Snow Suzy” photos sent with the emails soliciting “johns”

De la Carriere once engaged in a long-term arrangement with a married British parliamentary advisor. She was set up with a posh apartment, expensive clothing and a large allowance, to be available on call whenever her services were needed. After she was kicked out of the Church’s religious order, de la Carriere sent email solicitations to potential “johns” under the name “Snow Suzy” complete with price lists and photographs. Over the years, de la Carriere has used 13 different names/aliases.

Ron covered up his extensive history of vile wife beating with his despicable efforts to “blame the victim.” Pressed about it on national television by Fox host Megyn Kelly, Ron admitted that he beat his wife once a month for a decade (his daughters say it was more like twice a week). That’s 120 times! He also lied about hitting his daughters when they were young, which is contradicted by his own writings at the time.

Ron covered up his extensive history of vile wife beating with his despicable efforts to “blame the victim.”

Ron also doesn’t like to talk about his arrest for attempted rape, and how it was only because of his youngest son’s efforts to get top lawyers that the charges were dismissed. Nor how he was a chronic philanderer who cheated on his late wife countless times. He also lied in his book by writing that “life was good” when he lived with his oldest son and namesake, Ronnie, leaving out the fact that during that time Ronnie was busted in a prostitution sting that resulted in a guilty disposition.

Naturally, Ron never told his daughters that Ronnie was arrested for a sex crime. Nor did he tell his daughters that he was befriending the very people who were behind frivolous litigation against one of his daughters and her husband. The lawsuit was ultimately thrown out as meritless, but not before he befriended and supported the people who put his own daughter and son-in-law through the anguish of having to fight frivolous litigation.

Both only care about making money and getting attention.

Ron Miscavige claims that he wrote this book because his daughters stopped speaking with him, falsely blaming the Church. In truth, they disowned their father because he went to live with their older brother Ronnie, who abused them as children, ignoring their explicit pleas not to move in with him.

Ron then sought to shake down his family for money. His youngest son generously gave him $100,000 to buy the home he lives in today. But that wasn’t enough—he then wrote a book exploiting his family and the prominent name of his son.

The court ruling that she has no credibility only confirms that de la Carriere is among the most unstable sources.

De la Carriere is the very definition of an attention whore who obsessively seeks publicity spreading false tales about the Church. The court ruling that she has no credibility only confirms that de la Carriere is among the most unstable sources. She is exceptionally bitter at having been removed from her position in the Church 30 years ago and will say anything that attacks the Church, no matter how absurd. She did say that Ron told her “how he had lost it and raped a girl in Philadelphia.”

Both are old, bitter and angry, now trying to rewrite history.

Now in her 70s and unable to pursue her usual line of work, de la Carriere and her husband, Jeffrey Augustine, post bizarre ramblings about the Church on the Internet under different pseudonyms while peddling stories to tabloids. They are fringe anti-Scientologists who spread bigotry and hatred against the Church and the leader of the religion for a buck.

As for Ron Miscavige, he continues to tell his delusional tale—now to a former sitcom actress who is known as an ex-Scientologist, while blaming everyone but himself for everything he has done to assure he will live out his life as the black sheep who imploded his own family.

Ronald R.M. Miscavige mug shot
Public record documents reciting details of the arrest of Ron (Ronnie) Miscavige show one of the women he was seeing had been the victim of a
human trafficking investigation, strung out on heroin. Her image was stored in Ronnie’s cell phone. This is the same cell phone number advertised
to reach Ronnie as a Manager at Long & Foster Realty in Williamsburg, Virginia.
Court disposition: guilty.
Ron's warrant of arrest for solicitation of prostitution.
Ron Miscavige paid $5,000 bail.
Ron was fingerprinted.
Witness subpoena.
Command to summon Ron Miscavige.
Ron Miscavige’s rap sheet.